Dallas’ Puppy Separation Anxiety Training

Training Philosophy

Designed for Dallas’ puppies to treat puppy separation anxiety before it fully develops.

Does your puppy cry nonstop when you’re gone? Does your puppy bark for hours or become so anxious that they injure themselves or break out of the crate? Do they follow you from room to room, always sitting within a few feet of you? Do you stop yourself from leaving the house, even to just go to the grocery store, so your puppy will not be alone? If this sounds like a familiar situation, your puppy may be in the early stages of separation anxiety. Crying in the crate is normal puppy behavior and is nothing to worry about. However, nonstop vocalizations for hours paired with stress signals could be the start of serious separation anxiety. Our Dallas Puppy Separation Anxiety Training Programs are scientifically designed to treat puppy separation anxiety. Your Dallas behavior consultant will come directly to your home to treat your puppy’s anxious behavior.

Does your puppy experience high levels of stress whenever they’re not right by your side? Led by Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist, Dr. Echterling-Savage, we use the latest research in puppy behavior to help your puppy with their separation anxiety. After seeing hundreds of puppies fail in standard separation anxiety training programs, our data-driven, proprietary treatment plans are designed to achieve long-lasting behavior change in puppies with separation anxiety. Your Dallas trainer will use a proprietary combination of classical conditioning and positive reinforcement to teach your puppy that good things can happen outside of your presence! We will create a treatment plan to make both you and your puppy confident and relaxed whenever you leave the house. Treating your puppy’s separation anxiety is a lifelong investment that can significantly increase both you and your puppy’s quality of life!

Training Programs

All-Inclusive Puppy Separation Anxiety Training Program

Our All-Inclusive Training Program is for Dallas puppy owners looking to treat their puppy’s separation anxiety. This Dallas puppy training program is specifically designed to reduce and eliminate separation anxiety.

Our goal is to treat separation anxiety leading to long-term happiness and health for you and your puppy. This program is best suited to target:

  • Crying, barking, or vocalizing for long periods when left alone
  • Destroying items when you are gone
  • Self-harming to escape the crate or home
  • Having accidents when left alone

Led by Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist, Dr. Echterling-Savage, Beyond the Dog uses the most up-to-date behavioral research to treat separation anxiety. By using a combination of classical conditioning and positive reinforcement, we teach your puppy that good things happen outside of your presence. This happens through a systematic protocol of time that your dog is left alone and adjusting their meals and treat schedule. Over time, your dog is left alone for longer and is happy to eat while you are away, leading to a happier life for everyone. Research by Zurlinden et al. examined levels of barking in kenneled, shelter dogs and showed that counterconditioning is an effective treatment method for treating separation anxiety. According to our resident CAAB Dr. Echterling-Savage, “Pet parents’ worries about separation anxiety can be put to rest with behavior modification training and simple modifications to their daily routines.”

The All-Inclusive Program for Separation Anxiety encompasses 20 training sessions across five intensive weeks with two follow-up sessions spanning a total of 22 training sessions over eight weeks! After you submit your training contract and Indirect Assessment of Canine Behavior, our pre-training team, led by Dr. Echterling-Savage, uses the information provided to craft your personalized dog training program. Then, your trainer will put your training plan into action! Your trainer will work with your dog one-on-one for three (1) hour sessions during the week. The fourth session each week is dedicated to your training! This structure is designed to produce seamless learning and long-term behavior change. After the 5-week-long training, there are two follow-up sessions to support your progress. Please note that our indirect behavior assessments will confirm the severity of your dog’s behavior and if deemed severe you may incur a small additional fee.

Most insurance companies such as Trupanion will cover behavioral training when under the direction of a CAAB or a Board Certified Vet Behaviorist. Be sure to check with your provider to see if they will cover the cost of separation anxiety puppy training.

Schedule a Virtual Consultation for Puppy Separation Anxiety


Want to treat your puppy’s separation anxiety but don’t live in Dallas Fort-Worth? Schedule a 1-hour virtual consultation with one of our behavior experts! Our CAAB Dr. Echterling-Savage or one of our Dallas behavior consultants under her direct supervision will give you expert training advice on how to get your puppy comfortable with being left alone. After completing the Indirect Assessment of Canine Behavior, we will recommend one or multiple sessions with Dr. Echterling-Savage or with one of our other behavior consultants under her supervision depending on the severity of your puppy’s separation anxiety. Pricing for a 1-hour virtual consultation with Dr. Ectherling-Savage is $375. Pricing for a 1-hour virtual consultation with one of our Dallas trainers is $150.