Austin’s Cat Chasing/Aggression Dog Training Program

Training Philosophy

We are Austin’s leading experts on cat chasing and dog aggression directed towards cats.

Does your dog constantly chase or stalk your cat? Is your cat running scared when the dog is present? Our Austin in-home training program can help! In our science-based, data-driven training program, we have a unique training protocol that combines function-based training with classical counterconditioning. From cat chasing to growling to stalking, we have the solution to create a harmonious living situation for everyone.

It starts with completing our Indirect Assessment of Canine behavior, a document created over 20+ years and four markets. Our pre-training team, led by Dr. Kristyn Echterling-Savage, creates a personalized treatment plan for your dog. Using research-based training and experience with hundreds of cat chasing cases, our protocols are nailed down to a science. From there, your dedicated behavior consultant will put the plan into action, coming directly to your home to treat your dog and cat’s behavior.

Training Programs

22-Hour Cat Chasing / Aggression Dog Training Program

Austin’s All-Inclusive Training Program is highly recommended for pet owners looking to eliminate any chasing or aggressive dog behavior towards cats.

The goal of the Austin All Inclusive Program is to reduce or eliminate dog chasing and aggression towards the resident cat. We also practice relevant obedience behaviors to manage your dog’s behavior around your cat, like place and leave it. We modify aggressive behavior in dogs towards cats such as:

  • Chasing your cat
  • Stalking your cat
  • Growling or barking directed at your cat

Our training protocols are developed by Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist, Dr. Echterling-Savage. We use a science-based approach combined with 20+ years of experience to bring about a large behavior change in a short amount of time. Dogs can be reactive towards cats and other small animals due to a combination of an innate prey drive, genetics, or behavioral history. According to research by Reisner, behavior modification was found to be incredibly effective in treating canine aggression. With foundations in classical counterconditioning and positive reinforcement, Beyond the Dog’s unique function-based treatment can help your pets live harmoniously. Dr. Echterling-Savage states, “Our treatments can be lifesaving when it comes to a dog’s aggression toward a cat they live with. Unfortunately, aggression towards a cat in the home is not a behavior that can be fully managed with closed doors or separate living spaces. We help restore balance and harmony in your home and keep everyone safe in the process.”

The All-Inclusive Program encompasses 22 hours of private in-home training! After you submit your training contract and Indirect Assessment of Canine Behavior, our pre-training team uses the information provided to craft your personalized dog training program. Then, your dedicated behavior consultant will put your training plan into action! Your trainer will work with your dog and cat Tuesday through Thursday in a combination of one-on-one training sessions and a weekly lesson with you. This structure is designed to produce seamless learning and long-term behavior change. Please note that our indirect behavior assessments will confirm your dog’s behavior and goals. If your dog’s training program requires additional oversight from our Animal Behavior Experts, a small additional fee may be required.

If you are a pet parent with an insurance policy covering behavior modification, our cat-directed aggression dog behavior modification is likely covered. Most companies with behavior policies such as Trupanion cover behavioral training when under the direction of a CAAB or a Board Certified Veterinary Behaviorist.

12-Hour Cat Chasing / Aggression Dog Training Program

Our Austin Executive Training Program is designed to get a headstart on treating your dog’s mild reactivity or inappropriate play chasing directed towards your cat.

The goal of this program is to reduce or eliminate your dog’s chasing or mild reactive behavior directed towards your cat. We treat behavior such as:

  • Stalking your cat around the home
  • Chasing your cat
  • Barking or growling at your cat

We use a science-based and function-based approach to address inappropriate behavior around your cat. Dogs and puppies chase cats due to a combination of an innate prey drive, genetics, or behavioral history. Research such as the study by Jessel et al. (2016) shows that reinforcement procedures are effective in reducing problem behaviors across a variety of species and behaviors. With a unique combination of functional behavior modification and classical counterconditioning, we use these techniques and 20+ years of experience to make large behavioral changes in only five weeks. According to Dr. Echterling-Savage, “Using a functional approach to cat chasing not only creates a straightforward, efficient treatment plan, it supports building and maintaining a healthy relationship between dogs and cats.”

This program consists of 12 hours of training across four weeks. After you submit your training contract and Indirect Assessment of Feline Behavior, our pre-training team, led by Dr.Echterling-Savage, uses the information provided to craft your personalized dog training program. Then, your dedicated behavior consultant will put your training plan into action! Your trainer will work directly with your pets for (2) 1-hour sessions and with you for (1) 1-hour session per week, Tuesday to Thursday. Please note that our indirect behavior assessments will confirm your dog’s behavior and goals. If your dog’s training program requires additional oversight from our Animal Behavior Experts, a small additional fee may be required.

Most insurance companies such as Trupanion will cover behavioral training when under the direction of a CAAB or a Board Certified Vet Behaviorist. Be sure to check with your provider to see if they will cover the cost of cat aggression dog training.

Train with Dr. Echterling-Savage, Cat Chasing and Aggression Behavior Modification Package


In our Cat Chasing and Aggression Behavior Modification Package, we offer one-on-one virtual sessions with Dr. Echterling-Savage, our Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist (CAAB). Dr. Echterling-Savage is one of only a few Board Certified Behavior Analysts specializing in Applied Animal Behavior, with only around 50 CAABs in the country. With decades of expertise, including published research on canine behavior, Dr. Echterling-Savage is a leading expert in her field, making her consultations an exceptional opportunity for those seeking lasting change.

Dr. Echterling-Savage will connect with you virtually to evaluate your dog’s behavior, designing a training program that addresses your dog’s specific needs. After your initial meeting, Dr. Echterling-Savage will continue to offer guidance and troubleshoot any cat chasing and aggressive behaviors, ensuring ongoing progress in your dog’s training. The Cat Chasing and Aggression Behavior Modification Package is available for $615 which includes several sessions and continued support.