Austin’s Obedience Dog Training

Training Philosophy

Our obedience training programs are specifically designed for Austin’s dogs.

Our Austin in-home dog training programs for advanced obedience are as unique as your dog! We specialize solely in private dog training meaning your dog will receive your trainer’s undivided attention every second of training. After learning the details of your dog’s history and behavior, we will craft a training program around your training goals and your dog’s individual needs. From loose leash-walking around Lake Travis to recall at Barton Greenbelt, we can teach your dog any obedience command at any location in the Greater Austin area!

Austin has so many dog-friendly things to do and we want you and your dog to fully experience all of them! Maybe you’ve always dreamed of grabbing coffee with your dog at Mozart’s or going to SoCo for Sunday brunch! Our Austin behavior consultants are here to make these dreams a reality. The ability to design dog training programs around every dog’s needs comes from our Austin training team’s unmatched knowledge and experience. Led by Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist, Dr. Echterling-Savage, we only utilize the latest research in dog behavior in our Austin dog training programs. We aim to create a lifelong love of learning for every Austin dog we train.

Training Programs

22-Hour Dog Obedience Training Program

Do you want your dog to explore all of Austin’s dog-friendly restaurants and cafes with you or help you entertain at your Zilker Home? Have you wanted to go for a peaceful sunset stroll around Lake Travis? Our All-Inclusive program was made for you! This is our most comprehensive Austin in-home dog training program.

This program teaches your dog advanced obedience generalized across your neighborhood and the greater Austin area including but not limited to:

  • Loose leash walking around other people, dogs, and various distractions
  • Off-leash heeling and recall in trainer-approved safe areas
  • Sitting and practicing down-stays around advanced distractions
  • Organizing guest routines involving place and stairs to appropriately greet guests without jumping
  • Waiting at the door to prevent bolting
  • Practicing place during mealtimes to eliminate begging

Our combination of one-on-one sessions and private lessons lead to a protocol with high amounts of treatment integrity. Treatment integrity has been a widely regarded topic of Applied Behavior Analytics for a number of years. Treatment integrity is the extent to which procedures are implemented in a manner consistent with their prescribed protocols. Dr. Echterling-Savage’s paper, “The Effects of a Multicomponent Intervention on Treatment Integrity of Counterconditioning for Aggression in Dogs” describes the effectiveness that high levels of treatment integrity have on producing behavioral change within aggression. When our trainers are teaching your dog with a high degree of consistency and accuracy, your dog acquires the target behavior faster. With the addition of weekly lessons involving you, your dog’s learning is established for long-term success within the most relevant environment. According to our resident CAAB Dr. Echterling-Savage, “The structure of our programs is designed for dogs to learn quickly, establishing new obedience behaviors that are sustained long-term in the settings that matter to our clients.”

The All-Inclusive Program encompasses 20 training sessions with two follow-up sessions, a total of 22 hours of private training sessions! This program is designed to achieve high-level obedience training across a wide variety of Austin parks, dog-friendly stores, and wherever you would like to achieve your training goals. After reading a detailed description of your dog’s history and behavior in the Indirect Assessment of Canine Behavior, our pre-training team will craft a personalized training program for your dog. Training sessions are conducted Tuesday through Thursday and your trainer will work with your dog in a combination of one-on-one sessions and weekly lessons with you. All private sessions are conducted in your home, neighborhood, or local public spaces, completely customized based on your goals!

12-Hour Dog Obedience Training Program

Have a dog that is pulling you around your Bryker Woods neighborhood? Or maybe your dog won’t listen to any of your commands the second they see another dog on Turkey Creek Trail? Our Executive Dog Training Program is here for you!

This Austin dog training program is perfect for getting a jump start on obedience training focusing on two to three behaviors and manners at a couple of different Austin locations. Your dog can learn:

  • Practicing polite manners such as no jumping or play-biting
  • Coming when called
  • Loose leash walking around other people and dogs
  • Ensuring calm behavior around guests
  • Performing advanced obedience (sit, down, wait) in public
  • Staying on place

We teach advanced obedience with science-based training methods and will never use shock or other aversive techniques. Your dog’s needs and well-being are at the forefront of what we do so we center our training around ethical training methods involving positive reinforcement. Research by Ziv completed in 2017 supports that positive reinforcement-based training is more effective than aversive training methods. According to our Co-Founder Sean Savage, “We begin training every obedience command using positive reinforcement. It is incredibly effective and dog-friendly to teach a dog the desired behavior before trying to eliminate problem behaviors. Once the dog understands what we want them to do, we can easily teach them what not to do.”

We provide on-location training in the Greater Austin area for one hour, three days per week for four weeks. After you complete the Indirect Assessment of Canine Behavior, our pre-training team creates a customized program to meet your unique goals. Once your dog’s training program has been developed, your trainer will work with your dog, one-on-one, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays each week. The Thursday session will be your training day, where you learn the techniques and how to handle your dog! This Austin dog training program is best suited for addressing two to three obedience commands and doggie manners.

Board and Train Dog Obedience Training Program

Do you want your dog to experience the Beyond the Dog Training difference but live outside the greater Austin area? Or do you want to go on a vacation and return to your dog fully trained? That is where our Austin Board and Train program comes in!

In Beyond the Dog’s Board and Train program, we teach your dog highly advanced obedience skills while receiving an unmatched level of training and attention at your trainer’s home. We want your dog to receive the highest level of obedience training with the lowest amount of effort on your part. Common behaviors we address during the Austin Dog Board and Train Program include but are not limited to:

  • Eliminating problematic manners, such as jumping
  • Practicing advanced obedience in high-traffic, public areas
  • Off-leash heeling and recall
  • Performing duration behavior like “place” for up to one hour
  • Loose leash walking around other people and dogs
  • Threshold and non-threshold waiting
  • Preparing for service dog work or Canine Good Citizen evaluation

A Board and Train Program with Beyond the Dog means your dog’s behavior will generalize across a wide range of different environments, unlike board and train programs at traditional dog training facilities. We start by duplicating your problem behaviors in the trainer’s home. Practicing in a home-like setting makes the skills easy to transfer once your dog comes home. Plus, our ability to train your dog all around Austin according to your personal training goals is what makes our Austin Board and Train Program so unique! Research by Cooper et al. shows that generalization of obedience training must occur in different environments as the specific environment the dog is in might bring about certain behaviors. Our behavior consultants will work with your dog wherever they need to in the Greater Austin area to ensure you and your dog will have all of the tools you need for advanced obedience anywhere and everywhere. According to our Co-Founder Sean Savage, “Our Board and Train clients report incredible shifts in their dogs’ behavior post-training. The amount of attention and time training your dog will receive during their program is truly unmatched and is what separates us from our competitors.”

This unique Board and Train Program allows your dog to live in their trainer’s home for three to four weeks, providing unmatched training and attention! Our team will analyze your Indirect Assessment of Canine Behavior to design a personalized training program for your dog based on your goals. Your dog will join their trainer in their home and on training outings, where they practice appropriate manners and achieve  high levels of obedience. This program is available to puppies 8 weeks and older. Our three week Board and Train Program is priced at $6,460 while our four week Board and Train Program is offered for $6,950.