Austin's Puppy Training Blog


Read what our Austin trainers have to say about common puppy training questions.

Our trainers not only provide customized puppy training programs throughout Austin, but we also provide answers to many of the most common puppy training questions. Explore our local puppy training blog below!

Puppy following

Puppy Training: How to Teach Your Puppy to Follow

Would you like to teach your puppy to follow you? All puppies have an instinctive desire to follow, and teaching “follow” helps build trust while laying a foundation for other commands like

Puppy playing with toilet paper

How to Puppy-Proof Your Home

The first step to bringing your new puppy home is to puppy-proof your home and purchase a list of puppy supplies. You want to make sure your puppy is set up for

Teaching your puppy place command

Teaching Your Puppy “Place”

“Place” is a client-favorite command, and we’re here to give you a behind-the-scenes look at introducing this obedience behavior. At Beyond the Dog, we define place as “go to your bed and